
By Happyframe

Sad times :0(

This is a nursery forest school session. So why is it sad?

We have spent a long time developing this area of the school grounds and the children love their sessions here all through the year. They're free to climb, run, observe bugs and wild life in general. A few months ago we found a baby owl which was rescued by the RSPCA.
We decorated the trees at Christmas time. We observe the changes of the seasons, jump in 'the muddy puddle' make 'potions' ...need I go on?

Our school is on the Shropshire LA list of schools for closure. We have a full pupil roll, and good financial records. The plan is for the LA to shoe horn us into the local secondary school that has falling pupil numbers and the head, who is off to run a brand spanking new academy in another authority, managed to run up debts to the tune of £126,000!!!

Can you understand why pupils, parents and staff are devastated and fighting to stay where we are....oh and instead of the wonderful outdoor learning area we have now, we're going to be given a courtyard!!!!

Here endeth the rant :0(

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