Return to the North

By Viking

Howler of a day

And howler of a night - well a howling moon :-). pretty desperate blip tonight. Mad mad day at school today. Teaching first period but for 55 mins of a 90 minute lesson I was in my office with a parent, while my year 12's entertained themselves! Then at 12 my $1800 of pizza/pie orders arrived - so spent the next 2 hours sorting orders out to be distributed to those who had bought (fundraiser) then at 2pm had to go do a class via Video conference ( I teach psychology to kids all round the country by VC) Where I had to try and explain some stats involved in an experiment they had been doing - Stats not my favourite subject to try and teach! - Oh and in between saw some obnoxious students who had been up to no good and then after school - 1+ hours delivering rest of pizzas round the community and then to top it off a senior management meeting. a quick 45 mins to go buty something for dinner because had invited teeJay and another friend round for dinner. Chicken I had defrosted was goign to take longer than 45 mins to cook! So steak and wedges it was :-)Not a lot of time for blipping - but the moon obliged by coming out tonight (a rare sight with the horrible weather we been having)
All the joys of living my life
Alas you share in all the joys too if you read this :-)))
Peace to all

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