
By SomeGuyInNJ

Sometimes life sucks!

No photos with my proper camera today... so heres the only photo I took in the entire day... from my iPod Touch.

This is me sat in the front seat of a tow truck with my car sat on the flatbed behind.

While coming home with Little Big Girl today the engine seized and this took the power assisted steering and the brakes with it too. As I was going through some bends downhill at 40 miles an hour in the lane not nearest the side of the road and there was no shoudler to pull into anyway this did not strike me as a great situation to be in. At least the engine going didnt take the stereo with it, which suddenly without the engine going seemed a whole lot louder... I mean I didnt really need to be able to think without music blaring in my ears right now did I?

Anyways I put the hazard lights on and managed to weave across to the right hand lane while using the brake pushed as hard as I could to slow down and pulling on the steering wheel like Captain Ahab in a storm. I managed to pull into a gas station at the bottom of the hill... I called my wife ( who was home 20 mins drive away) with the last dregs of my cellphone battery so she could come and collect LBG and leave me ponder the wonders of existence while I waited for a tow.

The engine has completely seized... The car is out of warranty. Oh... errr... dear? All sorts of less polite words were competing to make it to my typing fingers then most of them were not terribly polite.

When I finally got towed to the the car place the service department was closed so I filled in the form and left the key in the drop box. I called this morning and they said they may be able to fit it in to look at it today but if not they would try and look at it sometime tomorrow. Oh joy... Just the wait you need when you are waiting for news of something that you know is going to cost a lot of money.

I have a followup doctors appointment today about my blood pressure... will the reading be good? I doubt it...

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