this luminous life.

By Laura

On The Ground.


Not a very exciting blip, I know. I spent about ten minutes in the middle of the street behind my dorm trying to capture street shots (none were to my liking -- it was too dark outside). And I sat on the ground for about five minutes for this shot. Also thought the crescent moon was bright tonight.

My inspiration for doing this shot
came from a film shoot this morning.
It was another 6:30am shoot, and this time I had a role
as a girl who is hit by a car and then brought back to life.
We just walked into town and set up this shot...
me laying on the ground in a contorted position
next to the car with its headlights on
and the main actor kneeling on the ground next to me
pretending to give me CPR.
Oh, and all the meanwhile, it's pouring outside.
So, anyway, we're filming this...
when all of a sudden we hear sirens
and a couple police cars drive by
in the opposite direction.
And an ambulance appears too,
but driving away from us.
Then we see the ambulance and police cars turn around,
and all seven (or eight) of us thought, "oh crap!"
as we realized the ambulance and police cars were for us.
I guess someone driving by thought it was a real accident!
I'm already standing up by this time,
but the ambulance arrives asking if we're okay,
and when the police find out we're just filming,
they almost arrest the director for inducing panic.
Needless to say, it was a funny part of our shoot :)
I would've blipped it if I had my camera on me
and it wasn't pouring outside.
I was told I'm amazing at being dead.
I guess I must've been if I fooled passerbys! ;-)

I'm exhausted. :)

[A year ago today... McDonald's play area.]

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