Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Clock Tower

I had a few minutes to spare this morning on my journey into town. Rather than stopping at St James Park, I left the circle line at Westminster and walked along to Victoria Street.

Meanwhile, I joined my PTA events organising sister in the hunt for a marquee. The forecast for Saturday's Summer Fair at the Primary School was set for rain :( But it wasn't long before ideas and offers of help arrived thanks to phone calls, twitter and Facebook (thanks all) and in the end, the Manningtree Sailing Club came to the rescue and offered to loan theirs.

We're now on the road, heading South West to an overnight stop, en route to a family wedding. We have two hungry children and the M25 to deal with. I'm hoping for kind traffic.

Wiiaholic posted a blip of Canary Wharf recently, which i liked a lot. It was a very similar angled shot. I saw this building and decided to do something similar.

I hope you like it.

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