
By traceyflowerpot

Pear Blossom...

I have had a really busy day today, I went to Tai Chi, Tai Ji Swords and Fans this morning, it was a lesson all rolled into one. We dont normally do this, but we havent been for five weeks as our tutor is in China she will be back for next week, so a little brushing up was required...

I had a little walk around our garden this afternoon though and the Pear Tree Blossom looked beautiful, I cant believe it is going to turn into pears, we had so many on the tree last year, looks like it is going to be the same this year.


Thankyou for all your kind comments for the photograph I took of Aaron yesterday to submit to a Model Agency, we are both very greatful, you are all such kind people. I have sent his photographs off, so fingers crossed we hear from them.

I do hope he gets through, even if its just the once for the experience of it all, as he loves taking photographs as well as having them taken, he would find it just as interesting as well as exciting and fun.

Tracey xxx

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