
By notsonormallife

Rasta pig

Sorry it's been over a week! Had no decent photographs to accompany my ramblings!

Above is my work during my 'Managing Attendance' course today, I deflated a pig toy half way & turned it upside down to create the illusion of a rastafanarian pig!

So my not so normal life is running along as normal! Which is not normally!

Work is getting better, confidence slowly growing, key word being 'slowly'.

Personal life is well a minefield. Good friend has had a split with his girlfriend, whom I got on very well with. So well that he got jealous of our relationship! Me & the girl often joked about this however we never really thought it was affecting him. I only found this out after playing out the role of good friend by comforting him after the split. The friend has been a buddy for years, but the girl has only been friends with moi due to her dealings with my friend! I have this amount of guilt in me, despite my indiscretions not being the reason of the split. It was her tendency to flirt & his lack of trusting after previous mistakes.

Lot of info there, but I needed to broadcast so I can see things clearer. I know I have no need to feel guilty, but the fact I had some probable doing in the ending of his trust with her means I do. Apologies are in order to those concerned I think.

Anyway, the day is short & I'm off to a theme park tomorrow! Wohooo night

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