Tiny web

We are having midwinter and up north in our country it is as cold as it gets this time of year.

For the past few days we have had temperatures in the mid twenties and it is unbelievably great to be able to walk around in short sleeves! I have even taken the extra covers from the bed as it simply gets too hot at night. Even the house has warmed up again.

It feels so good to walk around and not to be aware of the cold and chill invading every space, nook and cranny.

Yet we are fully aware that it is by far only a temporary respite and that winter will probably back in full force fairly soon.

My Mom, who spent a few days in hospital recently with a bad bout of pneumonia and related ailments, went for her check up and was found to be almost as fit as a fiddle! Well, almost! At 90 years years of age the fiddle (heart condition) is not as fit as it used to be, but even the doctor was pleased/surprised at how well she had responded to treatment.
We have a lot to be thankful for, and we are.

Thank you to all the blippers who sent good wishes and enquired about her health these past few weeks - each comment is and was greatly appreciated!

Swaying in the breeze, this tiny web and it's occupant?? are also in the mood for summer.

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