
This was during the "science cafe" of this month. The university of Groningen organizes these nights to get random people and scientists together in one room to talk / discuss various scientific subjects..

Like "nano", its uses, its dangers and fear about nano.

The shot is the "monthly experiment", featuring powdered coffee creamer. yes. An animatid gif of the experiment (only a couple of shots. i mean, come on.. it was over quickly and it was darkish. gimme some credit :D): Is found here

My final thoughts about the evening? Well.. I think Nanoscience is to complicated to 'discuss public relevancy' in a cafe. People talk about their scares, ethics, rules and all, while these should be discussed for all sciences, not just nano-science. Irrational fear (and, i must admit, sometimes irrational confidence) make nano look like a great subject, but in the end.. its just 1/1000 micro. And i never saw a "micro-science" talk :D

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