Nell's World

By nell2803

Come Into My Parlor ........

.......said the spider to the fly.

Yesterday's blip was so beautiful yet today's is exactly the opposite.

Breakfast in the garden again this morning. The sunlight is fantastic at this time of day. I spotted this spider catching the bug as I was drinking my coffee. Took some shots but the spider didn't like being in the limelight and scurried away. Later I was hanging out the washing and I noticed it had returned. Got my camera and a little mat to sit on the damp grass and snapped away.

The spider was covering the bug with silk and was trying to drag it away. It was finding it just too difficult so had to keep returning to the bug and attaching more silk.

Eventually the spider disappeared again but I think I got a pretty good shot of what it was doing.

Remember to look large.

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