Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Farmer Talk

I had a quick chat with this Amish (Pennsylvania German) farmer during our local market day. I asked one of his female assistants a question, and she refered me to him. The Amish never make small talk or discuss their religion and ways. This time, I made a point of asking about Rumspringa, which is a period in which a young person has the choice of either leaving or remaining with their society, as well as personal freedoms not normally allowed.

I got the sort of answer I was expecting. About Rumspringa, Yes, he knew a guy who did that once. When I remembered a great tragedy that his people suffered a few years ago (and how I remembered it), I could see in his face that he understood my sadness, but he made no remark --only a "Thank You." The pork ribs were as tasty as ever.

If I ever run into an Amish person who happens to be in the middle of their Rumspringa, I'll be full of questions then.

I blipped this same farmer and said more about the Amish last year.

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