A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Funny face

This is a very typical expression for my daughter. Grabbed at the end of their summer show and the best of the bunch as she was sat at the back so there was lots of peering through shoulders. Fun morning doing that. Fourth year in a row (same show nursery and reception) and the last one for us. Turns out you can get hardened to these things after 4 years - I'm sure I was much more touched by the first one. All super cute of course and the Nursery Rhyme Rap was particularly entertaining. And provided us with an excellent opportunity to discuss gangsters on the walk to school. Good to have that one out of the way.

Must blip and run as I'm not supposed to be here. Despite end of term concerts doing their best to persuade me otherwise I need to stay in workmode for one more week...

Though it is Friday....
Lesley x

ps - for the record (and not because we are match fixing), the Purple Diamonds have their last game of the season later and I could have waited to blip them with their runners-up trophies. But given my blip-reliability at the moment a blip in the hand and all that seems like a good idea.

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