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By LovePopcorn

"Baby" chicks.... more!
These fine feathered friends are already many weeks old! I didn't have time to get nice blips before they got so large - They are getting close to the age where they don't need a heat lamp all the time. This blip shows the 3 smaller of the total 6 chickens.
Daughter #2 and SIL have been naming them. The largest one is called "Coq Au Vin" or CoCo for short. This is SIL "tongue-in-cheek" for what he'd like to have when the birds stop laying, but D#2 says, "No! They will not reward a chicken for a lifetime of laying eggs by serving them as a dinner course when they no longer can produce! Older chickens are still good for eating bugs."
SIL made a FANTASTIC chicken coop which I hope to blip as soon as possible. It is as large as a medium sized tool shed!

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