Return to the North

By Viking

Women and children first

A 12 hour + drive from Murch to Taupo today which included a trip on the ferry. Now I am not the best traveller on ferries. Don't get seasick but I have a slight(!!!) vomit phobia. so when I think of ferries I think of the 'barfarama' scene from the film 'Stand by me' where one person is hugely sick so others follow. That would be me if anyone else threw up within hearing distance of me. Now I do joke about it as I know how ridiculous it is - but in reality it is a real fear that I have. So... travelling on a ferry in a notoriously unpredictable Cook Strait in the middle of winter caused me a few sleepless nights/nightmares.
Thankfully Cook Strait was beautiful and took lots of shots including ones here (sunsets included) But I chose this one because I liked the angle and the light

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