
By Saffi

Nineteen to One

The One being the little white chick in the middle!

This afternoon the local WI group had organised a walk through fields the other side of Yeovil, so a couple of us tagged along as well. We walked six miles through varying farmland crops, next to the River Yeo, over railway bridges eventually ending up at Trent where we started. Just coming back into the village we passed a lovely old thatched house whose front garden was full of baby ducklings and small white chicks. This chick obviously thought she was a duckling! Behind they had large chicken runs and signs for selling eggs (£2.60 a dozen - quite expensive for our area!).

Trent WI had organised a cream tea for us in the village hall with check table cloths, baskets of scones and bowls of cream and jam - not to mention the small vases of flowers! The walk was well worth it!

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