Happy Birthday to Me!

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MrsCyclops had perpared me ginger beer and crudites with salsa to fortify myself through the marathon of gift opening that awaited me! She always embarrases me by getting me stuff I had no idea I wanted - but that I really do!

She even made one of the gifts herself - a beautiful print of a wee house my family have up north! The print is mounted in a lovely frame with the photograph she etched it from above in both colour and black and white. A beautiful, creative and very thoughtful gift.

Other highlights of my haul of swag include a photography course, tickets to see Katy Perry, and a drive in a classic car!

After the gift opening frenzy, we had a delicious dinner at ESI then went to see the seventh and (newly released) eighth Harry Potter films - one of our first dates was seeing the first film over nine years ago...

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