Unstructured Visions

By unstructvisions

Tired of My Tire

This stinking tire has been giving me problems for a few.months. I have taken it in four times and still it goes flat. My husband unexpectedly was called into work today and couldn't take my car in for its appointment while I slept (stupid night shift). While I slept and he was at work, he took the car in and then caught a call. Lucky me. Now, I had no ride to work.

Thankfully, my dad was able to pick me up and take me to the tire store to get my car. While riding with him, I got my first look at his new nose sans the brace. It was startling at first. I had forgotten that he had it "fixed" and now his whole face has changed. It doesn't look bad but different. Twenty seven years of seeing something one way, and now its different. I know it must be more shocking for him since he has known the old nose for longer.

I guess it was a day of fixed tires and fixed noses.

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