
By justbrian


Today, there was a break in the cloud and I ventured down to the Beach at Blyth.

I experimented with infra red and got some very acceptable shots, they'll be in my gallery sometime this afternoon.

After a bit of experimenting I came up with this picture. I think it works okay as the outlet pipe is such a horrible object to photograph.

Part of my reasons for going down to this particular beach was I was looking for more locations closer to home to photograph, after this trip I have several more things in mind.

Thanks to all who commented again yesterday, I'm still very much experimenting, however, I'm fairly certain that my genre is landscape.

Thanks for the suggestions, too, for a camera, I think that I'm going to get a Panasonic TZ20 after reading up all of the reports. The Canons sound like mighty fine cameras but I've always been a Nikon, however, there's nothing in the Nikon range that pops out at me.



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