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20months + 26days

If you're interested, feel free to check out how Katie's day was yesterday and if you're interested in mine, i've blipped that now here too. Two very different days!

It's been a really soggy day, and after a rather late night for Mummy, mixed with an early start from Katie, we've taken today steadily. After a long play, lots of colouring and puzzles, I decided we'd check out the Next sale. There wasnt a single item in Katie's next size. Not one. The place had been obliterated! Katie found a dress she loved, aged 9. I'm not storing for that long! We went for a few bits in the supermarket, had a wander round and she did choose a fabulous "Little Miss Chatterbox" sleepsuit in the George sale.

We came home and played a bit more, before she wanted to snuggle with me. So we both laid down on our new (to us) fabulously comfortable big sofa and both fell asleep. Her for a long time, me for a short while. She did not want to mve from the sofa and continued to snuggle for another near hour. Since then she's spent a lot of time taking shoes on and off, hers, mine, whoevers. She got some bread out, brought me the crusts and said "for ducks" but then didnt want to go take it to them, even though it's raining and she could have puddled jumped. Maybe she knows that whilst we were out at the supermarket she lost one of her fabulous green wellies.

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