Five things

By fivethings

The Marble Man

1. Another day when five things are going to be pretty hard to find. I am just flat out miserable. Slap you in the face, kick you in the arse, miserable. How can I keep a journal about positivity when I feel this bad? I ran for 6 miles this afternoon. There we go, one.

2. I've had practically all the fast food groups now. Curry last night, burger the night before, pizza tonight. Kebab tomorrow and I'll have the full set.

3. This is Abe Lincoln. My dad loved Abe. I mean loved him. This is a bust about the size of pack of cards that used to sit on his desk. One year, it was stolen. As the weeks progressed photos and demands for ransom started to appear for him from all over the world. His advanced history class had pinched it and each of them had taken it on their holidays. I can't remember what he had to pay - I think it might have been a reduction in the number of tests.

4. I haven't really spoken to anyone for 6 days. I said a few words to the man in tesco but that's been it. Today I started to talk to dad. I've never had that before. I've been thinking about him so much recently that I suppose it's not that big a shock. All I did was tell him about the route that I ran and my plan to extend it tomorrow. That's all.

5. And so another day. Hard stuff this. Tomorrow might be better.

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