Red Glasses

By redglasses

Lake District

This is the first leg of our journey to Manchester!

As a graduation present, my folks bought us tickets to go and see Bjork performing her Biophilia project in Manchester, as part of the Science Festival there. So, as part of the wee trip, we stopped for the first night in the Lake District (just to break the trip up a bit).

We stayed in one of the most picturesque hotels with the most outstanding food and service - it was near Lake Windemere. It seems that the Lake District has all of the characteristics that I love about Scotland running through it. The scenery is luscious and green, you could be 10 minutes away from a Tescos, but it still feels so remote. I guess large parts of England don't have this because of the population, but you could say the same of Glasgow or Edinburgh I suppose.

Nevertheless, beautiful part of the world - I can (for once) understand why tourists come here.

ps - first holiday for all of us in 17 months, so nice to be able to do this.

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