Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe

Grey Sky, Red Kite

Two fantastic sights while walking the dog today.

It was a blustery, grey morning. There was a comotion coming from Oaken Grove, an impenetrable area of woodland close to the farm. I was certain a pair of Red kites were breeding here, but it is not possible to investigate on foot, due to the huge clay and flint pits full of water and dense undergrowth.

Suddenly, there was a commotion that sounded like a cat with a tin whistle. Two Red kites flew up into the strong wind, still calling, I walked out into the field for a better view, just in time to see a juvenile rise into the air, wobble a bit and then glide and soar. The mewing continued and five minutes later a second juvenile took to the sky.

I was the fortunate spectator of a private aerobatic display, with the parents still calling to the young, encouraging them to hover when flying into the wind, and then peel off and zoom downwind.

As far as I am aware this is the first time these beautiful birds have bred in this locality, although they have become frequent visitors in recent years. It has been a natural progression eastwards, along the Chilten Hills, from the group that were originally released in the reintroduction program near Chinnor.
Started in 1989, the program released a total of 90 Red Kites, that were sourced from Northern Spain. Such is the success, that 270 donor chicks from this area have been used to start new colonies in other areas of the UK.

This evening a family of 5 Green Woodpeckers, 2 parents and 3 young, were sitting on a post and rail fence, lots of noise known as 'Yaffling' which is probably derived from the wooden bookend character, Professor Yaffle from the childrens' TV program, Bagpuss. These attractive green and red birds sound as if they are laughing at you when flying in their instantly recognisable low-flappy-glidey-dippy-noisy way.

As stated, it was very windy, and grey this morning, and raining this evening. You didn't expect a decent capture, did you?

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