This is Kristina's Life

By kristinaj

Never Alone

There are so many excellent reasons for why (almost) everyone should own a pet. Among the top of those reasons: you will never be lonely.

I've been doing absolutely NOTHING ever since I finished school in mid-June. I hadn't planned on all of this inactivity, but California budget cuts mean that the ONE class I need in order to start the RN program wasn't available this summer....nor was it available this fall.... the winter session has been completely eliminated so no class there....and they never do the class during the, my only chance to take this ONE class that is only available at this ONE college is NEXT SUMMER. In the meantime, I now have to go back to work starting September just so that I can meet the requirement of having "a year of experience within the past two years."

Wow, I really digressed.

Anyway, my life thus far has been SO boring this summer that it would've driven Lindsay Lohan to suicide by now. Nevertheless, I have never once noticed that I haven't been "doing anything" with my time. No matter where I turn, I have some sort of animal staring at me--waiting for my next move.

I recently just saw that famous episode of "I Love Lucy" where she decides to go to the Brown Derby with Fred and Ethel just so she can spot celebrities. It turns out that William Holden is in the next booth and he catches her snooping on him. He decides to turn the tables on her and stares her down as she tries to ignore him and eat her meal. Lucy finally cracks and leaves after accidentally bumping into a waiter and having him spill his desert tray all over Bill Holden's face. Having these doggies and kitties makes me feel just like Lucy. I pay them so much attention that when I finally take a moment to myself, I'm always being stared down.

When I took this picture, I was sitting in the middle of the couch watching that episode of "I Love Lucy." I turned to my left and saw this little face staring at me. Words can't even describe the feeling: you're sitting alone feeling pathetic for not going out and doing something amazing with your free time, then you look to your left and realize that whatever you're doing IS amazing to your furry little friend.

I take it back. Words CAN describe that feeling: it's priceless :)

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