Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Lab Training Session

I didn't have enough things to do, so I joined a new volunteer organization called People for Lake Padden (P4LP) organized by my friend and neighbor, Betsy. She was concerned about the potential deterioration in the water quality of the lake due to continued development in the watershed. The City of Bellingham monitors the water in the vicinity of the swimming area for fecal coliform levels, but we are taking additional samples at other locations, and testing them under supervision at the city's lab at the Post Point Wastewater Treatment Plant.

We will also be testing other water quality parameters, and have hired a student from the Huxley College of Environmental Studies at Western Washington University to help collect samples and conduct the analyses under the supervision of the Institute of Watershed Studies.

We plan to collect data for a year to establish a baseline for further studies and land use planning.

Today we were trained in lab safety procedures and the preparation of water samples for assessing fecal coliform bacteria levels. The photo shows David and Betsy practicing their pipette technique.

We've just started our Website -- it's a work in progress.

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