Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Lava, moss and horses

Hólaskogur -> Landmannahellir

I could probably have slept better, but who cares when wonderfully fresh air, gorgeous mountain views, lava fields and horses await?!

Started the day on little Ugla, who I had a hard time finding my balance on, and didn't really click with. Oh well :) We spent this day helping out with herding the 50-60 loose horses in front of us, which is a bunch of fun! We also spent most of the day eating dust (mostly ash of course, we were in lava fields after all) and wiping our eyes trying to get rid of all the gravel... It was wonderful anyway of course!

After a stop for a snack and a horse change, I got on a new horse, called Stjarna. In comparison to Ugla, Stjarna was on the larger side of things, and when we then started going upwards, and upwards and upwards, the horses really having to push themselves, she eventually couldn't keep up and I fell behind. At one point I actually thought she was gonna lay down and die :P Anyhoo, I let her amble along at her own pace, and occasionally stop for a bit of a breather. This was btw in the middle of a huge lava gravel field in the middle of nowhere, and suddenly there's two hikers sitting there having their lunch, right where we're riding. Kinda fun :) After a while Franziska, who also helps out with the horses, came back to check on me, and joined me on a slow 30 minutes to catch up with the others at the next resting place, which you see above. Gorgeous! It instantly reminded me of Sigur Rós' video to their song "Glósóli" which you can find HERE if you want to see more of the landscape.

Not surprisingly, I got a new horse before we started off again :) I got up on Hylling once more, and we started off through this landscape of dreams, every view more beautiful than the next. When we get nearer to the mountain hut we're sleeping in next in Landmannahellir, we really start picking up speed. Soon we're almost flying over the black lava, loose horses in front of us making it an incredible sight, and I grin like a fool (again) :)
Despite my little setback with Stjarna there in the middle, we arrive an hour earlier in Landmannahellir than last week's group. I can totally understand why, considering the last part though!

After having yet another wonderful dinner, cooked by Margret, wife of Gestur who's the host of the tour, we sit down to sing, something the Icelanders both seem to like and be good at.

While we're inside, cosy and warm, it starts pouring down outside and the wind really picks up. The rain is sorely needed to avoid eating more ash, so we're all very happy with what otherwise be characterised as shitty weather :)

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