Please Empty My Bins

By PleaseEmptyBins

Series 1/19

Well, I'm back and they're still there.

I started Blipping this well into the saga, so here's what you've missed:

Week 1
Thursday 30th June: Garden bins go out for collection.
Friday 1st July: Garden bins not emptied.

Week 2
Monday 4th July: Phone call made to council to inform them of missed garden bins. Given every assurance that they will get done soon.
Wednesday 6th: Bins still not been emptied so I fill in an on-line complaint form.
Friday 8th: Bins still not emptied. Another phone call to remind them and seek explanation of why nothing has been done. Promised a phone call on Monday by someone in appropriate department.

Week 3
Monday 11th July: Still no bin collection and no phone call from council. Third phone call made to council.
Tuesday 12th: Still no bin collection. Still no phone call. Follow-up email to last week's complaint sent to council.
Thursday 14th: Council write letter in response to on-line complaint. This says they don't catch-up on missed runs and we'll have to wait until the next scheduled bin run. As this has taken so long, the next scheduled fortnightly run is now tomorrow.
Friday 15th: Bins not emptied.

Week 4
Monday 18th July: I receive the council's letter saying "Unfortunately we are unable to service bins that have been missed until the next collection day". I'd already spoken to three different people at the council about my missed bin "servicing", not one of them mentioned this council policy. In fact, they all, at the very least, implied the exact opposite. I filled in another on-line complaint and started this Blip journal.
Tuesday 19th: No change since yesterday.

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