.....Running Bear.....

Today I took some pupils from school fishing. In the end only 4 of the 7 turned up...one parent wouldn't /couldn't bring their son to the venue.....one gave no reason at all....and the third is a Latvian boy whose Mum doesn't speak English....I thought I'd explained it all to her last night....but obviously my limited Russian didn't get through...and he turned up at school instead of the venue.

Shaun decided that the boys needed to know who was in charge so he stuck this in his cap....and began to sing "Lavender blue..."....Sam interrupted and announced that it was Lilac.....I didn't have the heart to tell them both that it was actually Buddleia!

Sam announced that I would be fishing a match against the boys, what he neglected to tell me was that it was a team match....they were a team of 4....and I was a team of 1! The fishing was slow due to all the recent rain, but at least it stayed dry. The scoring was simple..... 1 point per fish,...M caught 3, T caught 1, C caught 1, S caught 2 ............and I caught 4! It was then that Sam announced the result....Boys 7...Sir 4! Swindled ....again....that's three years in a row Sam has managed to rig the match/draw so that I can't win!

However, the Lord smites down those who transgress.......at the start of tonight's coaching session Sam announced that he would pay £1 to anyone who caught a fish weighing a pound or more. The little boy that I was coaching landed a carp weighing in at 2lb 2 oz! I took great joy in making Sam pay up, and even greater joy in refusing his dad's offer of paying the money back (because you all do so much for the kids).

What goes around comes around!

Last day tomorrow....then 6 long weeks holiday.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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