Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


indeed. well i am leaving this one a bit short as i am too pissed off to type and it will only end in a torrent of abuse.
you see McDawg's trip back home is being cut short by a day. Mrs McD has had an email from work which means she has to go home early. this has gone down like a cup of cold sick. still this is one of the risks that go with the job and being self employed doesn't help. so we are heading back to the big smoke today.
i really don't know what else to say. i am caught between feeling s of anger and disappointment. also not looking forward to the journey home.
for anyone interested the holiday blips start just a couple of days ago and you can check them out here if you like.

hope you all have a great week blippers and i shall get back to commenting soon (my laptop has just given u[p the ghost so having to borrow Mrs McD's when i can)

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