must try harder

By halfcj

Feeling worse!....

...if that's possible!

First, didn't go to bed overnight as I was coughing and spluttering all over the place, and poor B was really tired after doing an early that day....forgetting she was on an early.....and didn't leave work until she would have...had she done a normal shift! So I tried to get some shut-eye on the sofa. Didn't really work.

Once B went off to work today, I crept into bed, think I managed an hour or so, but mostly spent tossing and turning at the whim of my nasal ablutions! (sorry, probably too much information there!)

So, with my friends from yesterday having left the building...I had to find another. I decided to take dogwithnobrain's advice and stumbled upon a bottle of Famous Grouse in the cellar (that's under the stairs to most of us!).

Shot this with lots of ND Filters on so I could get movement with the whiskey. Not that successful really, but I'm not well, and couldn't be fussed to try harder...really...must I?

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