A spoonful of sugar

By Poppins

Freddy and Mini Freddy!

I cloned my cat!;-))))
Couldn't resist to shot, my hairy love... my adored cat with the mini version close to her...they are identical! ;-)))...even similar cushion!!!

And if i this pic of my hairy cat, i hope, made you smile... i would like to share a link of a video we saw on tv in these days and i also got forwarded by some friends...it's shocked me and touched me deeply....it's quite hard and i did cry looking at it...but i think we should all take conscience of some reality that are generally hidden to us...and hoping that who is in power and charge will work to stop these brutalities!

Here the link...i tried to find it on youtube but it wasn't loading it...so i found it on this website!

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