Fallback shot

We met up with our friends Andy and Ruth today before they head back down to Bristol tomorrow. We met up in the morning then all took their dog Cody for a walk up Arthurs Seat. Great company and great views but some numpty forgot to take his camera.

As a result I've resorted to a macro shot of the beetle that tried to take up residence in our shower room. I don't really like it that much as there's too much noise and the focus isn't brilliant but I spent most of the day working.

I did manage to build 21 individual websites for my dance class today though, and that was after managing to find a fix for the png transparency not working in IE6. For any of you as geeky as me out there the fix I found even worked for background images specified in the CSS file.

Oh, and I've uploaded a Bootsy shot for yesterday too.

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