Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Grave Marker.

Really didn't have the energy to think about a blip today.

Was really worn out by having to do so much work this morning, although not so much this afternoon.

Came home to find James, trying to find some compter software and a modem
instruction booklet in Christian's room.

We've had trouble before trying to find out things such as passwords on Christian's computer, some of them we've been able to work out by a process of elimination. But Christian being into computers was able to hide things which we can't find. And of course Christian never wrote things down, they were either in his head or in his computer.

Also, just before he died he went through this massive clear-out in his room, and may have thrown things away which he should have kept, and kept other things which he should have thrown away.

Although, I go into his room every day, and it's still the same as when he left it. Somehow today, it made me really upset to see all his things, so neat and tidily put away.

I raced up to the cemetery, crying all the way, sat and fed the birds, talked to Christian and then drove home, playing ABBA very loudly in the car.

Anyway, this grave marker seems to have lost it's grave as it's just sitting on a stone

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