Well, we hit Bantry market - the sun was shining, people were in a very good mood and we sold lots of cards :) It was actually very pleasant to sit there in the sun, watching the world go by, catch up on the gossip and eat ice creams. We are now in the black. To celebrate Lisa bought two chickens and a cockerel - they were rather carelessly stuck into a box so I hope she made it home without incident.

The sky was incredible - all sorts of interesting clouds going on and on top of the vivid green is a hill fort. Incidentally West Cork is hosting the first Cloud festival - I think it's next week. I'm not sure what's going on but it involves the man who wrote the Cloud Spotter's Companion (or something on those lines) and it's being held in a garden which has a sky sculpture. I have been to that - it is quite amazing. You go down a tunnel, a bit like an Egyptian tomb, and emerge into a green grassy amphitheatre in the middle of which is a slab. You lie on the slab, gaze up at the sky and listen to the stillness. Fantastic.

Tonight we might go for a scoop at the tin Pub or if we can summon enough energy head into Bantry where a local band calledCalvinists are playing at Ma Murphy's.

Have a great weekend.

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