
By Ilaria

A room with a view.... Sigh!!!

Not sure what to do folks!! Don't want this to become depressing and monotonous!! Unfortunately yesterday's euphoria at feeling better and getting home was short lived!!

Had another 'flare' this morning, mystifyingly similar to the previous ones!! Although worse if possible!! Was dressed and brother en route to steal me away home!! Turns out all my bloods were off again.... UNBELIEVABLE!!! :-(

Seems that a gall stone may have fallen into my bile duct during my op yesterday!! Sigh!!
(And a few more less savoury reactions!!!!). So I'm not allowed home!!

Frankly today... I'd like to scream!! Thank goodness for seeing my lovely brother and sister-in-law... Or I might have!!!

If I can find it in me to continue blipping and be positive I will!! But I don't want to
subject any of you to dreariness!!

So on a positive note.... Thank goodness I didn't reach my parents and end up in an Edinburgh hospital... THAT would be MUCH worse!!!

Hilary..... Be positive!!! :-))))))

My blip is the view from my room.... It's lovely, and so is the room and my fellow patients!!

1,2,3,4 positives!!!!!! Yeah!!!! Sigh!!!!!

I'll sleep on this decision and decide tomorrow...


Yesterdays' Blip hit the Spotlight.... I SO thank you all!!!

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