I Witness

By KangaZu


As you can see it is HOT here!

I live in the Northeast (Bethlehem) and I have family (Hi Mom!) that live in Southern California (San Diego). You would think that the South would be hotter than the Northeast ~ WRONG! As you can see by my new phone (I really love it!) it is currently 101 degrees F here and probably going higher ~ the forcast is 106. Phew! That is HOT!

We had to bring one of our outside kitties (Small Fry) inside this morning. R found her to be very lethargic this morning before he left for work. She is getting up there in age and we think the hot temps are just too much for her. She is currently sitting in the AC and has very much improved.

And, no I don't have two phones. This is two photos put together.

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