Today was Nick's first day of annual leave. We had a lie in, but he was soon checking in with work. After multiple threats asking him to move away from the laptop, he gave in and embraced the beginning of his holiday. We are not going away this year - austerity measures being implemented after my being ill - but we will make the most of some lazy days. He and Murron decided that after pizza this evening they would start watching Star Wars.

Nick - 'Lets start watching Star Wars this evening.'
Murron - 'Yeah! Which one?'
Nick - 'Number four, A New Hope.'
Murron - 'Shouldn't we start with number one?'
Nick - 'No, we are going to start with the first one that was made. I went to see it at the cinema when I was the same age as you are now.'
Murron - 'So that would be number one?'
Nick - 'No. Four, five and six were made before one, two and three. I guess you could call four, five and six, one , two and three as they were made first....but strictly speaking they are four, five and six...'
Murron (looking utterly lost) - 'What?'
And so it went on (and on).

The sun actually emerged from the clouds this evening and we were able to eat outside. Sam departed for a party and Nick and the girls settled down to watch A New Hope. I thought I should catch up with my journal and prep my cameras for a job tomorrow evening. Hearing Star Wars in the background reminded me of the Star Wars club my elder sister and I began. I seem to remember that I was chewbacca as he was my favourite character.....

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