Daily Wild

By emyjane

Takes After Dad

Best viewed large for ultimate Little Larry cuteness!

Gatekeeper butterfly today, nice shot of a red admiral too, the best shot I've ever got of a honey bee, pale flax flowers in the grassland, good ladybird shot, all contenders... then I thought, well, it's not that windy, attach the macro... went out into the front & Little Larry appeared by my elbow & let me get this close to him/her ... & yes that's my reflection in his/her eye... I know, it's very very cute, I'm in love as well! (btw Larry sends his love... and Elgar of course!) One day I'll stop blipping the same things, but really, if you don't blip the same subject more then once, how are you going to improve? That's my theory anyway! ;-)

Thanks for all the comments, stars & hearts for Elgar yesterday... I do have some terrific bird characters in my garden & this one is certainly the Larry Legs of the future, that's of course, his Dad doesn't chase him away soon! lol xxx

Off to a party tonight, so not sure if I'll be *sober* enough for catching up with everyone's journals, but will try my best! :)

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