An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Bike, rack and shadow

Saturday mornings often means longer walks with my dogs through downtown Fort Worth. It is a challenge to take any image let alone a good one walking my little guy. He only weighs 10 pounds but tugs mightily to be anywhere but where he is.

This morning, I was lucky enought to get a capture of this bike. Notice it has two flats. Hard to ride a double flatted bi-cycle. Also note that it is attached to what is fondly or not fondly refered to as a Lolypop. For some reason, years ago, the city decided to put up these bike racks. Each has a Texas star. They are indeed unusual. So unusual, they had to attach Bike Rack labels on them so that people would know what they are used for. The city even whet so far as to have a map on their website with GPS identifier so that cyclist can find these racks. HUM?!?!?!? Bike racks that don't look like bike racks in places that are hard find and aren't normal cyclist destinations. They probably are getting used to their full potential.

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