just allan

By allan

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Bunting on the harbour wall at North Berwick with the RNLI celebrations in the background.

I spent the morning "Mr Mopp"-ing around the house and texting Dotty, who had a tough day with her business. Eventually we got together at about 6pm, but what a lot happened.

Edit later on...

Sorry to have left you "Allan and Dotty" fans hanging on... Well, Dotty was hoping to be in East Lothian soon after lunch but she got LOST in Englandshire and then had a series of little incidents in the houses she was looking after which meant it was nearly 6pm by the time she rolled in, in need of looking after.

I had decided to go to North Berwick under my own steam, so I jumped on the bike and headed up. I only stopped for a few photographs, it was such a beautiful day I hopped into a field for the view south over Traprain Law.

I got into North Berwick at half past 3, a bit late for the Lifeboat Fete so I just wandered around the harbour where I took today's blip.

After buying some fine steak from Anderson's butcher, I headed up to The Space which opened today. I put a few photographs up on Facebook.

Then home again with a tailwind to find Dotty waiting for me with the barbecue lit and a glass of wine poured. That steak was damned fine!

We watched the Tour de France timetrial to see Cadel Evans take yellow and plucky Tommy Voeckler knocked off the podium by the Schleck brothers. The best Tour for years - now if Cav can just win in Paris tomorrow...

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