East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Sunny Sunday

Bit of a boring photo today - taken this morning while on a walk on Lighthouse Hill - looking down on Main Beach with the Surf Club on the right on the beach.
The Sunday markets were on along the river today and I tried to get a shot of the colour of the markets with the beautiful background of the river - but alas it was impossible to get the river in. I tried a shot from up on the hill looking over the bay back to the markets but they were too far away to really show anything interesting unfortunately.

It is a beautiful day here - there was a group setting up their picnic up on Lighthouse Hill with magnificent 180 degree views of the river and ocean- and prawns and crusty bread with champas - made me very envious and was nearly temped to go and buy some for our lunch. But alas it is sandwiches on the patio but at least it is sunny and no nasty little breeze today.

This afternoon I am hoping to finish off a little project - I am painting a little table(circa 1920's-1930's) that was my nan's, then mum's and now ours. It always sat on the verandah at my parents place and this is where we always had our morning or a'noon cuppas or drinks at 5, so it holds a lot of memories. I was going to sand and restain it but have decided to paint it white and it's starting to look good.

We are all soooo proud and happy for Cadel Evans - hopefully nothing will go wrong tomorrow - 1st Aussie in the 100years that we have been competing to get this far- Aussie Aussie Aussie, oi oi oi - sorry but couldn't help that :) - so exciting for us!!

Just read the news re Norway - so unbelievable! Thinking of them all.

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