Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

County Fair

A fun way to participate in our local community is to add an entry to the County Fair.

~A drive with my Sweetheart on a sunny day, sipping smoothies
~The fun of sharing my hobby with others
~Excitement of going to the fair to see if there are any ribbons hanging on our work
~The opportunity to be humble when there aren't any ribbons (OK, not our fav)
~The chance to feel silly happy if there are any ribbons
~The chance to see all those awesome hand made, hand knit, hand painted items
~The smell of farm animals (call me it!)
~The sounds of carnival rides (makes me feel like a kid again)
~Fair food comin' up!
~Another drive or two with my Sweetheart!

The down side:
~Uhhhh, ....nothin'

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