Miss Canon

By misscanon

Incense trail

Was burning some incense this morning and thought that I might try capture it in a different way.

Black non reflective background like velvet or similar.
Lightbox or lightsource to the right of subject just out of frame.
Incense stick burning...but out of frame.
Manual exposure so that your series is all exposed with the same value...I had to mess around for a bit to get what I was after.
Manual focus so that your camera is not hunting for something to focus on...this way you can fire off a series of shots quickly when the smoke looks good through the viewfinder.

Crop the image to the format and size you want...I went for a 4x6 inch image.
Invert the image so that it is now on a white background.
Adjust your levels sliders until you get something that you are happy with.

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