The glaucification continues - la halte aux affair

It is an inevitable part of life in modern day France that many of the rural parts are slowly emptying. An economy based on all things agriculture which has been gradually eroded with the advances in technology and more recently the increase in cheap imports making it more difficult for already struggling farmers and those who serve them is one which is not in a healthy way. The increase of people moving into these areas over the last twenty years due to the advantageous retirement prospects has even been reversed given the state of the single currency.

The reality in this part of the world is unfortunately not that rosy at the moment. In the village where the inlaws live, in the centre at any rate, at least 1 in 3 houses lies abandoned, in the process of decaying, slowly but surely. Many associations exist to try to buck the trend of the current exodus away from the small villages.

In any case, compared to what this place was like even five years ago, it is extremely quiet and hopefully it might pick up at some point. I would not be betting on it though.


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