an old cynic's view

By superhero

A legend in his own lifetime

This is "Mad Bill" the oldest cheer leader in the lower reaches of Scottish Footbal.
The Sons were playing them in the pawnbrokers cup ,that is sponsored by Ramsden's
He is harmless and has some quirky habits ,he just supports his team and is a cult figure.
We were going to East Stirling a few years ago and as one of his quirks is he always carries a Tesco bag.
We decided to honour him as a tribute and all go carrying the same bag.
I was left with the job of going to Tesco to get bags ,not just a few but for a busload.
The lass in the shop was stunned to say the least when I asked her for some bags.
Certainly how many she said ,I said about 50 enough for a bus load .
She laughed when I told her why.
But the best laid plan and all that ,we all marched into Firs Park and lo and behold he had a Farmfoods bag instead.
Oh how we all laughed including Bill who took it all in great part.
This is the beauty of lower league football and there are not enough characters like him left.

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