Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Did he slide or was he pushed?

He was pushed. The photo just 2 seconds before this, shows no.2's outrage at being rushed down the slide by no.1 son! By the bottom, he'd mostly forgiven him. This is a sibling trait I stuggle with*

Anyway, pleasant day playing at Mr CleanSlate's parents, whilst he was working (boo). Obviously, it would have been unseemly to have too much fun**

What else? Oh yeah, I overdressed the boys for a trip to Starbucks. Not even a 'to stay' trip, just a 'take out' *blushes* The boys were engaging a lady in conversation, behind us in the queue and she actually said, 'You must be going somewhere very nice today!' I was so flustered I 'uuumed' a lot and vaguely mentioned lunch with Grandma and Grandad. It had seemed like such a good idea to dress them in matching navy blue v-neck cardigans when I was packing yesterday.

More? Probably, but no time now. Last wishes go to a poorly little nephew and fingers crossed for a better night sleep for his Mummy xx

*holds hands up sheepishly to being the dreaded 'only child'

**Don't tell him we went swimming and no.1 son tried to swim without arm bands for the first time! I laughed until I cried. He has never even jumped in the pool by himself until today, but he just had a remarkable boost in confidence and wanted to try EVERYTHING! He jumped in loads with his arm bands on and then announced their removal and jumped in again. There was a splash and then a period of calm whilst we all sort of wondered how long it would take him to resurface. Grandad CleanSlate awoke from the trance first and hauled him up! It put me in mind of that episode of Friends when Joey and Chandler are giving the duck a bath and Joey asks, 'What about the chick?' .... so when the chick is floundering Joey stops Chandler rescuing him with, '..give him a minute..' NO

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