Couldn't wait!!

21months 4days

Well, the long nap yesterday came back to bite me!! Katie was up at 4am, although she wasnt happy with herself so I suspect it was more than that. We got up at 5. I went in the bath at 9ish and she decided to take herself back to bed. If only I found it so easy to do the same. So we didnt go to toddlers this morning.

When she got up, we had a nice wander out, getting various jobs done. I even got her some new clothes for our holiday, from the new shop in the village. She had a lot of fun in the bank, playing on the computer at one of the desks. In the other bank though she was rather put out - she ran to the counter where her favourite clerk always sits and Joanna wasn't there! She did her "gone" sign and wandered round looking for her. We got a few bits of shopping, including a cucumber. Which Katie could not wait to eat and was trying to get at through the plastic. So I rinsed it off with her water and snapped it. She spent a very long time working on it.

We came home for a bit of lunch before going to see Emma and family in their new house. The children had a lovely time flitting between playing in the garden and the conservatory dining table where the mummies were carefully guarding (doing) the colouring in.

When we left there, we got home to find Granny and Grandad had arrived a little earlier than expected so were there waiting and waving, so Katie's having lots of fun making my mum gather threading beads repeatedly, and looking rather concerned at a sleepy Grandad. Sleeping people really concerns her, she does not like it at all!

Completely aside, is anyone else finding blip a bit floopy?! It's gone all weird. Like an earlier version. I couldnt upload with the normal upload option, i had to go through the edit and upload. And my pretty balloons have gone :(

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