A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

Imperial War Museum North


Took this after work; a wander around Salford Quays was the order of the day again after the usual Monday back at work.
But let's not dwell on the annoyances that face us every day at work; life could be a lot worse; the weather is good, I got to go out and take a few decent photos as well as get ideas for more blips, some of which I hope to able to follow up on in the next few days. They may well be a bit more abstract than I normally do (or maybe they won't, it's difficult to sometimes reconcile how we ourselves see what we do against how others see what we do) but I think they might work.

Oh and one email that I received today kind of my day...well actually, it made my week. Not bad for a Monday.

I'll leave you with a bit of upbeat The The for a Monday evening.
Be warned: there's some mid-eighties synth pop in there.
This Is The Day

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