
By Chiara

It's always this green. And yes, we drink it.

After spending the entire morning in the editing lab at school, I wanted to get a piece of the warm weather, so I walked for 4 miles. I started in the South Loop and ended up in Lincoln Park. I could've walked all the way home, but by the time I got to Lincoln Park, I was starving and I had no money on me, so I just took the train home from there.

I love not using public transportation, but my own two feet. I need to get my bike tuned up soon so I can use it more often.

I took some pictures today. People probably thought I was a tourist because the camera was practically glued to my hands, ha.

Rock N' Roll McDonalds. Can you find me?

Pigeons. We Chicagoans call them rats with wings. I, personally, don't find them all that irritating. Actually, I think they have pretty feathers.

What is that called? I've always been drawn to these things. I would love to have one of those on the roof of my dream loft building. I will buy an old factory someday and convert it into a loft building. I will. Somehow.

Primary colors! That's me in the hoodie.

Skyscraper. Before he met me, Nate almost bought a condo in that building.

Old-school movie theater. Beautiful.

The most interesting alley I've ever seen. Yes, it is an alley. Really.

Apparently a very liberal person lives here. This is hardly a rare sighting in Chicago, but it's located in the "bible belt" (a.k.a. the Moody Bible Institute campus). I wonder if that person put up these signs just to upset the Moody students & faculty members. The dorms are literally across the street. I would love to meet that little troublemaker.

Just down the street, there's a church. This is a sign on their billboard. Can someone please explain this to me? What I'm getting is that they're trying to say that religion is exclusive and shouldn't be "free to all". Um, doesn't that contradict the whole purpose of religion? Maybe I'm way off. You tell me.

Artsy shot.

An interesting looking building. I'm guessing it's a Japanese restaurant.

Gaylord. Three or four years ago, I brought Melissa, Jessica, my sister, and my brother there. Melissa and I were the only ones who ate the food, haha. It's a shame a lot of people aren't crazy about Indian cuisine.

Rainforest Cafe. Nate and I went there last summer and we both left with a massive headache because of all the screaming little brats in there. I still like that place. It has a fun atmosphere. However, I won't go back there again unless they start banning kids after a certain time.

The Trump Tower.

Okay, that's it for now!

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