Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander


Today has been all about visitors. The girls had 3 of their friends to play today. One of them is a new friend, so her mum and little sister joined us for a to make sure you aren't leaving your child with a total psycho afterall.

We also had the in laws dropped off by my sister in law and my wee niece, who had an excellent time keeping her grandfather busy with all manner of toys at our place. She didn't convince him to take his turn in the pram that I've caught her in in this shot...that would have been an AWESOME blip.

We're now nearing dinner time, and I can just about smell the bedtime routine, and we're down to the usual people who live here, plus Grandma and Daddad, who are kindly looking after the midgets tomorrow while I earn some bucks.

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