What Mummy?!

21months 6days

Katie couldnt understand that not everyone wanders around the house in their full rain gear, including new wellies, with their pyjamas, at 7am, whilst eating a spoon full of cream cheese. She then wandered round in her new sandals. Just her new sandals.

We had a lovely morning, pottering round at home, getting the house sorted (playing "pull everything out as fast as mummy sorts it) changing the beds (playing "one Katie-monkey jumping on the bed") and other such helpful chores.

She spent a happy hour in the courtyard chasing round with her hulahoop and playing with Mooky the Scramblebug. She helped me clean the car (played "how many different positions can one car seat be sat in and how many buttons can i press on the dash board") We had a lot of fun, she made me laugh so many times.

Mid afternoon, Granny and Grandad came round. We all played together for a bit, then they took Katie out so that I could do some of the packing and sorting out for holiday. Katie said goodbye and went out chattering away. They came back a couple of hours later and had done an awful lot. They walked up to the supermarket for some bread (and very essential teabags) then walked to the duckpond. Katie didnt even eat any of the bread, it all went for the ducks! They then walked to the park. Katie had a nice time but apparently waved and said bye bye to the park and set off up the hill home. I got a huge hug when she came in, but she'd had great fun. It's so lovely seeing her this confident with her grandparents and so secure with them.

They've come back for tea, so Katie is still bouncing around, and hasnt had a sleep all day! We had a nice tea, but pudding was the highlight. She rejected her yogurt in disgust when she saw the trifle appear, sensible girl. There was a controversial trifle portioning incident but Katie won, she tucked in before anyone else, straight from the big bowl and then kept pushing it back to her grandad to make sure he kept eating his share.

PS this is SOOC, I know its overexposed, but I actually quite liked the contrast

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